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Journey Through Time: Exploring the Enchanting Hida Folk Village

Journey Through Time: Exploring the Enchanting Hida Folk Village

Hida Folk Village, also known as Hida-no-Sato, is a traditional Japanese village located in the Hida region of Gifu Prefecture, Japan. It is a popular tourist attraction that showcases the traditional architecture and lifestyle of rural Japan.

The village is a living museum, featuring over 30 well-preserved traditional farmhouses and buildings, some of which are more than 250 years old. These houses are constructed using the gassho-zukuri style, characterized by their steep thatched roofs resembling hands in prayer (gassho) to withstand heavy snowfall in the region.

Hida Folk Village
Hida Folk Village

Visitors to Hida Folk Village have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the traditional rural life of Japan. Inside the farmhouses, you can find displays of household items, tools, and various artifacts that were used by the villagers in the past. The village’s picturesque surroundings and serene atmosphere provide a glimpse into the historical and cultural heritage of the Hida region.

Additionally, the village hosts various cultural events and hands-on activities, such as traditional craft workshops, where visitors can try their hand at making local crafts like weaving or pottery.

Hida Folk Village is open year-round, and each season offers a unique experience. In spring, cherry blossoms bloom, while in autumn, the surrounding mountains are adorned with vibrant colors. Winter brings a magical ambiance, with the thatched roofs covered in snow, giving visitors a sense of stepping back in time.

Hida Folk Village
Hida Folk Village

Best Time to Visit Hida Folk Village

SeasonBest Time to Visit
SpringApril – May
SummerJune – August
AutumnSeptember – November
WinterDecember – February
Hida Folk Village
Hida Folk Village

Ways to Reach Hida Folk Village

There are several ways to reach Hida Folk Village, which is located in the Hida region of Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Here are some common methods of transportation:

Train: Take the JR Limited Express “Hida” train from Nagoya Station to Takayama Station. The journey takes around 2.5 to 3 hours. From Takayama Station, you can either take a taxi or a bus to Hida Folk Village. The village is about a 15-minute taxi ride or a 30-minute bus ride from Takayama.

Bus: There are direct buses available from major cities like Nagoya and Osaka to Takayama. The bus ride from Nagoya takes around 2.5 to 3 hours, while from Osaka, it takes around 4 to 5 hours. Once you reach Takayama, you can take a taxi or a local bus to Hida Folk Village.

Car: If you prefer to drive, you can rent a car and reach Hida Folk Village by taking the Chubu Expressway. The village has parking facilities available for visitors.

Shinkansen (Bullet Train): If you are coming from Tokyo or other distant locations, you can take the Shinkansen to Nagoya and then transfer to the JR Limited Express “Hida” train to Takayama. This option is faster but may be more expensive.

Hida Folk Village
Hida Folk Village

Activities to do at Hida Folk Village 

There are several activities to enjoy at Hida Folk Village, offering visitors a delightful and immersive experience of traditional Japanese rural life. Here are some of the activities you can do in the village:

Explore Traditional Houses: Wander through the well-preserved gassho-zukuri style farmhouses with their unique thatched roofs. Explore the interiors, which showcase traditional household items, tools, and artifacts, providing insight into the daily lives of past villagers.

Participate in Workshops: Engage in hands-on workshops that allow you to experience traditional Japanese crafts. Learn techniques such as weaving, pottery, and other crafts that have been passed down through generations.

Try on Kimono: Experience the charm of Japanese culture by trying on a kimono, a traditional Japanese garment. Dressing in a kimono adds an authentic touch to your visit and makes for wonderful photo opportunities.

Sample Local Cuisine: Savor traditional Hida cuisine, known for its delicious flavors and local ingredients. Try regional specialties like Hida beef, a local delicacy known for its marbling and tenderness.

Attend Cultural Events: Depending on the time of your visit, you might have the chance to witness or participate in cultural events or festivals held within the village. These events showcase traditional music, dance, and performances.

Enjoy Seasonal Beauty: Each season at Hida Folk Village offers a unique charm. Witness cherry blossoms in spring, vibrant foliage in autumn, and the picturesque snow-covered landscape in winter.

Take in Scenic Views: The village is nestled amidst beautiful natural surroundings. Enjoy leisurely walks or hikes to relish the serene beauty of the Hida region.

Purchase Local Souvenirs: Explore the village’s gift shops and stalls, where you can find a wide array of local handicrafts, souvenirs, and unique products that make for great mementos of your trip.

Learn about Local History: Take advantage of guided tours or information displays to learn more about the history, architecture, and cultural significance of Hida Folk Village and its surroundings.

Relax and Unwind: Embrace the peaceful atmosphere of the village by finding a tranquil spot to sit, reflect, and enjoy the beauty of this traditional setting.

Hida Folk Village
Hida Folk Village

Also Read – Discover The Enchanting Kurashiki Bikan Historical Quarter

Food Options near Hida Folk Village 

Near Hida Folk Village, there are various dining options where you can indulge in delicious local cuisine and other food offerings. Here are some food options you can explore:

Local Restaurants and Izakayas: There are several restaurants and izakayas (Japanese pubs) around Hida Folk Village that serve traditional Hida cuisine. Look out for places offering Hida beef dishes, which are renowned for their exceptional flavor and tenderness. Hoba Miso, a local specialty, is another must-try; it’s a dish made of miso paste, vegetables, and sometimes Hida beef, grilled on a magnolia leaf.

Food Stalls at Hida Folk Village: Inside the village itself, there are often food stalls selling local snacks and treats. You can find various street food options, including grilled rice cakes, sweet dumplings, and other seasonal specialties.

Souvenir Shops with Local Snacks: Many souvenir shops in and around Hida Folk Village offer an array of local snacks and delicacies that you can purchase and enjoy later. Look for items like Hida beef jerky, local sweets, and unique flavored snacks.

Cafes and Tea Houses: If you prefer a lighter meal or a relaxing break, there are cafes and tea houses nearby where you can enjoy Japanese teas, desserts, and light refreshments.

Farm-to-Table Experiences: Some local farms and restaurants in the area offer farm-to-table experiences where you can enjoy fresh, seasonal produce in a rustic and charming setting.

Convenience Stores: If you’re looking for quick and affordable options, there are convenience stores in the vicinity where you can find a variety of ready-to-eat meals, snacks, and beverages.

Takayama Old Town: Takayama, the city closest to Hida Folk Village, has a charming old town area with numerous restaurants and eateries serving a wide range of Japanese and international cuisine.

Hida Folk Village
Hida Folk Village

Accommodation Options near Hida Folk Village 

While Hida Folk Village itself doesn’t offer accommodation options, there are several places to stay in the surrounding areas that provide easy access to the village and the attractions in the Hida region. Here are some accommodation options near Hida Folk Village:

Ryokans (Traditional Japanese Inns): Experience authentic Japanese hospitality by staying at a ryokan. These traditional inns typically offer tatami-floored rooms, futon bedding, and delicious kaiseki (multi-course) meals. Some ryokans may also have private hot spring baths (onsen) for guests to enjoy.

Hotels and Resorts: There are modern hotels and resorts in the nearby city of Takayama and its surroundings. These accommodations range from budget-friendly options to luxurious hotels with various amenities.

Minshuku (Japanese Guesthouses): Similar to ryokans but often more affordable, minshuku offers a cozy and friendly atmosphere. They provide a glimpse into the daily life of Japanese families and typically include home-cooked meals.

Hostels: For budget-conscious travelers, hostels can be a great option. Takayama and nearby towns have a few hostels that offer dormitory-style or private rooms.

Guesthouses and Machiya (Traditional Townhouses): Some towns around Hida Folk Village have guesthouses and machiya available for rent. These restored traditional townhouses offer a unique and authentic stay.

Business Hotels: Takayama and other nearby cities have business hotels that offer simple and convenient accommodations, suitable for both business and leisure travelers.

Onsen Ryokans: If you want to experience the healing powers of hot springs, consider staying at an onsen Ryokan. These inns often have their own private or communal hot spring baths.

Hida Folk Village
Hida Folk Village

Places to Visit Near Hida Folk Village 

Hida Folk Village is located in the Hida region of Gifu Prefecture, Japan, surrounded by picturesque landscapes and charming towns. Here are some places to visit near Hida Folk Village:

Takayama Old Town: Located just a short distance from Hida Folk Village, Takayama’s Old Town is a beautifully preserved area with traditional wooden buildings, narrow streets, and historic merchant houses. It offers a glimpse into Japan’s Edo period and is renowned for its morning markets and Takayama Festival, held in spring and autumn.

Takayama Jinya: This historic government office was once the seat of the Hida province’s government during the Edo period. It now serves as a museum, showcasing various artifacts and exhibits related to the region’s history and administration.

Shirakawa-go: One of Japan’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Shirakawa-go is a stunning village known for its gassho-zukuri farmhouses, similar to those in Hida Folk Village. The village is surrounded by beautiful mountains and is particularly enchanting during the winter when it’s covered in snow.

Gokayama: Another UNESCO World Heritage Site, Gokayama features traditional gassho-zukuri houses in a tranquil rural setting. The villages of Ainokura and Suganuma are particularly worth visiting for their authentic charm.

Hida-Takayama Museum of Art: This museum showcases a collection of traditional and contemporary Japanese art, including ceramics, textiles, and woodblock prints.

Hida Minzoka Mura Folk Village: Located in Takayama, this open-air museum offers additional examples of traditional rural Japanese architecture and lifestyle, with over 30 preserved buildings from different periods.

Hida Great Limestone Cave: Located in Gifu Prefecture, this extensive limestone cave system is a unique natural attraction to explore. It features stunning rock formations and underground streams.

Hida Daishonyudo Cave: Another impressive limestone cave system near Hida Folk Village, Hida Daishonyudo offers guided tours to discover its captivating underground world.

Miyagawa Morning Market: Located along the Miyagawa River in Takayama, this morning market offers a wide variety of local products, crafts, and snacks, making it a perfect place for shopping and trying local delicacies.

Hot Springs (Onsen): There are several hot spring resorts in the region where you can relax and soak in the therapeutic waters, such as Hirayu Onsen and Okuhida Onsen.

Hida Folk Village
Hida Folk Village


1. Are there English-speaking guides available at Hida Folk Village?

Yes, English-speaking guides are available at Hida Folk Village. They can provide informative tours, offering insights into the history, architecture, and cultural significance of the village. Guided tours can enhance your experience and ensure a deeper understanding of this traditional Japanese attraction.

2. Is Hida Folk Village suitable for children and families?

3. Are there food options for vegetarians or those with dietary restrictions?

4. How much time should I allocate for a visit to Hida Folk Village?

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